Monday, December 15, 2008

The Buzz of the season...

Well, I thought I'd write a really short post today. So, I always expect to have more time after school gets out, but it seems like I never do. Parties and babysitting the boys and shopping... See, no time. But I have to say that I love Christmas time. It is so much better the any other tim e of the year. I love it! Christmas lights, and gifts, and people showing Christmas Spirit by sharing the wealth, and of course, Christmas music. I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! I wait for it all year long. This time of year also makes me think about how blessed I really am. I have a good job, awesome friends, and a good family. Yeah, we fight, and some of us don't really get along, but we are always there for each other, and that's what family is all about. The truth is though, we should treat each other better. Have you ever noticed that we are so polite to people we don't even know, but to the people who really make a difference in our lives we tend to treat them worse. I am SOOOO grateful for my mom, who has taught me how to live like a responsible adult, and to have the Spirit with me always. SHe is the most amazing person, and the least selfish person I've ever met. I think that this season we should realize what we are grateful for, especially for the Gospel and Jesus Christ, and make the most of our lives!!! Anyway, that's my random thought for the day. Love ya'll!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ahhh... Life

Well, my peeps, sorry for the lack of posts, but my life seems to get crazier and crazier. I plan to write more posts here soon, but as of right now, I lack the necessary time to say what I would like to say. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Go Cindi... GO!!!

This last weekend I had the opportunity to watch my nephews for the weekend, while my brother Brian and his wife went on a short vacation. Now first, I just have to say how much I love these boys! They are so much fun! Anyway, I just had something funny I wanted to share.

While I was watching them, we had to go a few places. I buckled them into their seats and off we went. Well, my baby nephew, Brendan (2), got so frustrated when we had to stop at a red light or when I wasn't going when he thought I should be. He would say, "Go Cindi... GOOOO!!!!!" Everytime he said it I laughed so hard, because he was so impatient. I realized though that sometimes we all are waiting on other people, and it irritates us. Well, I know that it irritates me sometimes, I don't know about all of you. Anyway, I also realized that sometimes we forget to enjoy where we're at, but we shout at the Lord, "GOOOO!!!!"

I know that life has it's ups and downs, and that sometimes I get so fed up with life that I just wanna sit down and say, "I QUIT!" It's then that I realize that a roller coaster wouldn't be fun if it didn't have both ups and downs, loops and swoops. To really enjoy something, a person needs to experience the opposite of that, or at least recognize that we wouldn't have a "good" without the "bad."

From now on, I will never forget my nephew saying, "Go Cini, GOOOO!!!" I will also try to never forget to enjoy the "stoplights" of life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall is by far the BEST time of year!!!

Oh dear... i have so much to write about, but I have zero time to do so.. I've been very busy, and tired of course because of a lack of sleep, so this post is going to be short and sweet, and I'll try to post more details later. Fall is, by far, my favorite time of year. I absolutely love it. This Fall has been especially nice weatherwise (is that even a word?) Anyway, I've been having a lot of fun lately, and I'm not the only one. My good friend Emily got married, and Tammy and I threw her a bachelorette party of course. What is a wedding without a little mischief before right? Lol, no we really just went out to dinner, and gave her "fun" gifts, but it was a lot of fun. I got her 400 thread count Egyptian Cotton sheets. I thought it was the best gift ever, if ya know what I mean. Hehehe... Not to brag though... Lol. Here are some pics from that night.

I also got to have dinner with two of my good friends from the daycare I used to work out. The funny thing is that we all quit at the same time. Anyway, these girls are 2 of the people who helped me stay sane while working at that place. The kids were great, but the management was HORRIBLE! I don't even want to think about... ugh! Anyway, I went out with Lisa and Stacy to Winger's for dinner, and then we went to the mall. Which is so funny because I had already been to the mall twice, and that trip made it 3 times in 2 days. I know... I'm ridiculous. Anyway, we had some good times, found some ridiculous glasses, and partied with McCain and Obama. (Pics below)

My sister-in-law threw a Lia Sophia party, and I went to show my support. I had previously promised myself that I would NOT buy anything, but it was jewelry, and I'm just a weak human OK?!?! Don't judge me! Lol, anyway I spent a lot of money, but I got some really cute jewelry. (Pics below) I waited for my brother to bring my nephews back after the party, so that I could play with them. Bryson is always a blast to play with, but sometimes Brendan is a little bit of a Momma's boy. This time though he joined right in, and made me laugh so hard. He is such a character. I forgot how much I missed working and being with 2-year-olds, and he reminds me. I'm actually quite excited because I get to babysit them this whole weekend. I'm pretty sure that I can declare that I am the favorite AUnt, and if not then I am definitely my brother's favorite sister. Lol!

(I got the bracelet in the first photo, the necklace in the second photo, and the earrings in the third one.)

I also got to see one of my best friends from high school, Jacey, and her little boy Ruger. Let me just say that Ruger is adorable, and it was so good to see his mom. (That is so weird calling Jacey a mom) We had a really good talk, but we were only able to see eachother for like 45 minutes. Hopefully, I'll see her again soon. (Do ya hear that Jacey? I mean SOON! Lol)

Last but not least, this last Friday we had our "FALL EXTRAVAGANZA." This was so much fun! First we went out to dinner, then we went to Thanksgiving Point to do the Cornbelly's corn maze. When we got there we realized that there was so much to do besides just the corn maze. There was a huge rubber trampoline, tetherball, the slide of death, rubber ducky racing, and much more. Needless to say we enjoyed ourselves. The "slide of death" is a slide that looks harmless from the outside, but is dangerous on the inside. Lol, Suzy and I, being our crazy selves, decided that we would race since the slides were right next to each other. Well, we both "pushed" ourselves to start us out, but we didn't realize how slick the slide was, so we shot out of the end like a bullet out of a gun. Except we both immediately lost velocity and landed firmly on our fannies. Both of us bruised our tailbones, but I think I got the worst of it. I haven't been able to sit right since it happened. OUCH. Here are some pics of that night. It was great.

Spencer and I. I wanted to be the farmer, and Spence was kind enough to let me. (I wonder if he realized he was a girl. Maybe that's why he has such a look of terror on his face. Lol)

The "slide of death." I told you it didn't look like much, but it sure hurts comin' out. Lol

Some of us on the "Victory Bridge" We made it through the whole thing without cheating thank you very much!!!

Me and Suz at dinner

Us mimicking a sign in front of us.

Me trying to act like a spy. That really didn't work too well, if ya know what I mean...

Work has been crazy busy, and I'm still doing Landscaping part-time. Luckily, that ends this month, so I will have more time to myself and more time to study for school. I think I might actually have a 4.0 this semester. YAY!! I know that isn't really impressive, but it is when you work almost 55 hours a week right???? Lol.

My quick blog turned into a half-hour project. Oh well. Anyway, I hope that will appease you all (cough cough Hali. Lol) for now. I will try to post more, I promise! Love ya'll.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My awesome trip to Washington!!!

Alright, so I thought I'd keep my promise to you all, and post about my trip to Washington this month. First of all, I just have to say how amazingly beautiful it is there. Here is a picture to convince you.

K, now that you are aware of how gorgeous it is there, I can move on. :) This trip also was my first time on an airplane. Crazy... I know, but it was. I quite enjoyed myself, but that was to be expected since we all know how much I love speed and roller coaster rides. Anyway, the flight was good, and when we got to Seattle we grabbed our rental car and headed to my brother's place. (Just so you all know, the first day it was just me and my other brother Brian, the rest of my family got there the next day.) This was my first time meeting Meg's kids, and let me just tell you how much I love them! They are so much fun, and I really enjoyed being with them. The first night we were thinking about getting a hotel room, but my nieces and nephew wanted us to stay there. SO, we had an awesome sleepover. I know it's basically bragging, but my nieces love me so much, that they made me sleep in the same room with them. They had Bill move everyone around so I could. I love being loved!!!

The next day my brother Bill took us on a drive to show us how pretty the area is. It is so gorgeous, and I really was considering staying there... hehehe. Later that night we had a birthday party for Jocelyn, who turned 5. This is where we had the party, and it is only a mile away from my Brother's place:

Yes, I wanted to stay there.. Now, you can see why, lol!

Anyway, we went to my brother's wedding the next morning. Well, I didn't actually get to go in since I am not yet endowed, but I did get to hang with the kids, which was a blast. We walked the temple grounds, which were gorgeous, and then we were right outside when they came out. That night we had the reception at Meg's Dad's house. Meg married my brother, and is now my sister-in-law. Anyways, this is seriously the view from her Dad's house. This is at Gig Harbor. It is so gorgeous, and I am so Jealous.

Then we had a flight back in Sunday. I loved it. I would've posted more, but I thought I'd keep it as short as possible. Here are some more pics! Hope you love it half as much as I did!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Might as well enjoy the ride...

Today has just been one of those days. You know... those days where nothing seems to go right, but they're so bad it's funny?? Yeah, that's exactly what my day has been like. This morning I was quite late, mostly my own fault of course, but I had to run back in the house twice. Well, that wasn't a huge deal, but then I got to work and realized that my grapes had gone bad, then it was time to go to school, so I walked out of the office, and it was raining and freezing (OK, now that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but it was pretty cold) and I was wearing short sleeves. Parking at school today actually wasn't too horrible, so I guess not everything went wrong. ;) I got done with school, went back to work, and sat back down at my desk. Of course, all the merchants I spoke with were the horrible kind. The kind that are so dumb you really do wonder how they make it through everyday life. Then I decided to get gas on my way home, because I was pretty low. While I was getting gas I decided to wash my windshield. That's when I discovered a chip in it. I seem to have the worst luck with windshields because I have never been a whole year without having to get it replaced. Anyway, I went to get that fixed, so that this hopefully I won't have to get a whole new windshield before registration in March.

After that whole ordeal, I decided to come home and do laundry. This is the first time I haven't had a washer and dryer in my place, so I went to check out the facilities in my complex. Well, all of the washers and dryers were taken, and it was obvious that others were waiting for their turn, so I decided I might as well go to an actual laundromat and get the whole thing over with. Well, I packed all my laundry into my car, (believe me, it was a lot), and then I drove to a laundromat about 4 miles away. Well, I got there and realized I had forgotten to bring my detergent and softener. So, I drove all the way back, retrieved the necessary items, and headed back to do my laundry. Any normal person probably would have been frustrated, and deep down, I think I was, but I just couldn't believe the way my day had been going, so I was actually laughing all the way back to the laundromat. Let's just say that I realized that some things in life I can't control, and I need to make the best of them. So, here I am at the laundromat, waiting for my washes to finish so that I can throw them in the dryer. Life's great huh??? :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

....I'm Retarded

SO, I'm still figuring out this whole blog thing. Today, Tammy had to show me how to add "stuff" to the side of my blog, and I'm still trying to figure out how to post pics in my blog (Tammy helped me the first time, lol). You would think that since I work for an internet security company that I would know how to work all of the blog tools, but oddly enough I seem to be blog retarded. SO, please have a little patience with me, and I will try and get some awesome pics and posts going on. I have a lot to post about my trip to Washington last week, so stay tuned!!!